Our Goals

This project is was built by Jason L. Outlaw as part of his Doctor of Medical Science thesis at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and is an off-shoot of The Realm of Possibility, a problem-based career exploration platform managed by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation.

The Goals of this project are:

1. To communicate to the public and to people across disciplines and professions the problems and challenges we are facing in oral health and the importance of solving them.
2. To create a collaborative clearinghouse for oral health resources accessible to the public, supported by stakeholders in the filed of oral health.
3. To create career exploration resources for students and learners who are interested in exploring career possibilities in the oral health.
4. To tell deep, humanizing, digital stories of individuals working to address important problems and challenges in oral health across disciplines, professions and institutions.

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation is a project-based organization that attempts to address important problems and challenges in society, by bringing people together across disciplines, professions, and sectors to ignite progress.