Explore The Possibilities in Oral Health

We offer two types of profiles to help you to understand the problems and challenges we face in oral health through the stories of people who spend their lives solving them.

Professional Pathways Profiles

The Professional Pathways profiles on Oral-Health.org feature established individuals across professions and disciplines. After exploring a number of these profiles, you can discover the impact people make, the serendipity in their paths, and their advice for explorers who are interested in doing similar work.

Experience Exchange Profiles

The Experience Exchange profiles feature the ways in which people gain early real-world experience. These profiles showcase people who have found solid internships, research positions, jobs, volunteer positions, as well as people who have launched their own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Problem-Based Exploration

Problem-Based Career Exploration is a paradigm developed and tested to full the requirements of a Doctor of Medical Science Thesis defended and submitted in 2017. The full thesis can be found via the link below to understand the development of Oral-Health.org.
Problem-Based Career Exploration Thesis

How to Utilize Possibility Profiles

Audio Story

Full Transcript

Possibility Podcast

We introduce possibilities through story. Click on the person’s thumbnail image to view their full profile. Most profiles contain an audio story that introduces the individual and the problem or challenge they address. To listen to the person’s audio story, click the link that says, “Listen to the Audio Story”. Each profile contains an interview transcript where you can learn in depth about their work and their life. Click on the individual questions to view their answer our interview questions. Some profiles contain a Possibility Podcast located below transcript accordion. Click “Play” to listen to the tracks. Explore as many profiles as possible to discover possibilities you may never have imagined.


Example Professional Pathways Profiles in Oral Health


Example Experience Exchange Profiles in Oral Health


Experience Exchange Profiles Beyond Oral Health


Professional Pathways Beyond Oral Health